Suemnicht, G.A, Brophy, P., Holt, R., Stern, B. and Kendall, B. 2020, Golden Haven Spa Direct-Use Geothermal Project, Calistoga, California. Geothermal Resources Council Transactions v.44.
Suemnicht, Gene and Paul Brophy. (EGS Consulting, Inc., on behalf of Golden Haven Hot Springs Spa and Resort), 2020.Golden Haven Spa GHS-3 Injection Well Final Report. California Energy Commission. Publication Number: CEC-300-2020-008.
Suemnicht, G.A. and Kaieda, H., 2020, United States–Japan Bilateral Enhanced Geothermal Systems Project: Phase VI—Comparative Evaluation of Differing Geothermal Resources for Expanding National Footprints of Geothermal Energy Resource in Japan: A Five-Year Study of Stimulation and Injection Management. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2020.3002017883
Suemnicht, G.A, and Coleman, 2019, US-Japan Bilateral EGS Project: A Summary of Lessons Learned. Geothermal Research Society of Japan, Abs with prog.
Suemnicht, G.A. and Kaieda, H., 2019, United States–Japan Bilateral Enhanced Geothermal Systems Project: Phase V—Comparative Evaluation of Differing Geothermal Resources for Expanding National Footprints of Geothermal Energy Resource in Japan: A Five-Year Study of Stimulation and Injection Management. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2019. 20008721
Suemnicht, G.A. and Chin, B., 2018, United States–Japan Bilateral Enhanced Geothermal Systems Project: Select Corrosion References with Applications to Geothermal Power Production: Materials and Treatment technologies EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2015. 3002012543.
Suemnicht, G.A. and Kaieda, H., 2018, United States–Japan Bilateral Enhanced Geothermal Systems Project: Phase IV—Comparative Evaluation of Differing Geothermal Resources for Expanding National Footprints of Geothermal Energy Resource in Japan: A Five-Year Study of Stimulation and Injection Management. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2015. 3002012534.
Suemnicht, G.A, Capuano L. Jr., Capuano, L. III, Holt, R., Okabe, T., and Kaieda, H., 2017, United States–Japan Bilateral Enhanced Geothermal System Project: Phase III—Yanaizu Geothermal Stimulation-Injection Evaluation. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2017. 3002009747.
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Suemnicht, G.A., Smith, J.L., Majer, E. and Kaieda, H., 2015, United States–Japan Bilateral Enhanced Geothermal Systems Project: Phase II—Review of Seismic, Monitoring Practices at The Geysers Geothermal Field, CA and the Hijiori and Ogachi Fields, Japan. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2015. 3002005464.
Suemnicht, G.A. and Beall, J., 2015, United States–Japan Bilateral Enhanced Geothermal Systems Project: Phase I—Review of Injection, Monitoring, and Stimulation at The Geysers Geothermal Field. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2014. 3002004577.
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